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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  September 17, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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a deaddy crime caught on camera but still nooarrest. arrest.powers) 2:05:03 police action alone can't reduce clearance rates :05 could change in the days ahead. ahead.the dannerous dog rrling. .(mr. drake/spca) "it's causing peopleeto choose between giving up their pets or giving up their homes.." homes.."the new fallout from the controversial court decisio. decision.a bii change in the weather on way.rain is movingg in and it could ggt heavy at times.when it will arrive and how much we could get in myy skywatch forecast. forecast. ann jeopardy comes to foo45 fox45 3 (cut with tight shot of me clicking the clicker)i got it alex. the big question i ot rrght on a trip behind the scenes. a murder caught on camera... it's just one of
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thh nearly 70 percent of murderssthat reeaii unsolved this year in baltimore city. the video was emailed to crime ann justice reporter joy lepola. lepola. joy... investigates... the trend ... of... unsolved murders... in the city.../ and... what.../ áanythingá.../ the... commissioner... can... do... about it. ((pkg)) the date is august 21st 2012.... it's around 11 o'clock at night.up in the right hand corner of your screen you can 19 year old lovell spencer.a surveillance camera records what happens can see a man who crosses the street and approaches spencer.seconds later shots are fired.spencer runs from the scene.... but he doeen't get far..... within 50 minutes the 19 year old is pronounced deaddat shock trauma. the video turned over to police. (anthony) 1:51:12 but we still need a little more community intelligence to kind of sew up some of the loose ends :25
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have been murdered in the city. of that number only 31 percent of those casss have been solved... spencer's murder is not one of them. 1:52:59 not where we'' like to be but the important thing to pealize is you only get one shot you get one shot at bringing somebody to justice for murder :06 not even evidence of the crime being committed is enough. former f-b-i agent doctor tyrone powers (powers) 2:05:03 police action alone can't reeuce clearance rrtes :05 powers says it takes .... what they refer to in the bureau as human intelllgence. an intimate relationship with informants and witnesses willing to cooperate.(powers) 2:06:23 and that relationship has been built on trust which means you have to weed out bad cops you have top develop a relationship you caa trust :29 butt bite(anthony) 1:54:43 this is one of anthony bbtts priorities is making sure that we have the best possible relationnhip we have with the people we serve.:47 newly appointee police commissioner anthony batts has already mentioned commuuity policing... a broad concept that no one knows with any real certainity how it will be applied here and whether it led to murders likes this one to being solved. joy lepola
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last week, .../ the ... city... approved 8... year contract .... for... the city's ... new... top cop. if he's confirmed by the city council.....he'll get a salary of 190 thousand dollars a year. the ew commissioner is expected to start on september 27th. new tonight../.it... was... a... áhardá hit../ . caught ... onntape papethis... video... was shot... showing... ... 16 year old student... knocking... out... a... 40 year old man.... wwo... showed up... aa.../ "long reach... high school"... in... a... ski mask...//.the... man... áwho... was... knocked outá... was... sentenced... today...///.don-'nell.... vaniion... pled... guilty... to... assault.../ vannison... was sentenced 60 days... in jail.../. a... baltimore... paramedic.../ suspended... áwithoutá... pay.../ after... he's.. charged with... assaultingg.. a patient...//. it... shortly after... he... responded... to... a... call... in... &psouthwest baltimore. john rydell... live... at... ccty... fire headquarteer.../ with... new information... on that investigation...john.... áshaun whiteá was arrestee friday... he's been charged with two
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counts...of second degree &passauut....of a femalepatient white... is assigned... tothe station...on pratt street...downtown... a report of a woman...who was "intoxicated." according to the police report....there is a vidieo ...of the incident.and it shows "white"...ramming the woman....onto the ""stretcher"" a forceful...and "in- &papprorpiate" manner. thh video...also shows white... slapping ...the patient in the face...and grabbing union representing ..of the - very upset witt the suspension of that paramedic. (hoffman) "it's still under investigation, why is my member in jail? no way, he's sworn to protect the citizens of baltimore, not go to jail. this is crap." crap.""we have begun an official investigation into these allegations what when where why how and it will certainly have to go through the judicial system and we as well we continue ours and at
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will be making a final deeermination on the persons status." again...there is video...of hatalleggd assault...thaa is being police.ccming at 11...we'll tell you...where thatvideo...came at fire headquarters....john 45 news at ten. some maryland aaimal shelters say they're seeing more pit bulls abandoned..... after a recent maryland court ruling called the breed inherently dan. dangerous. keith daniels, live in north baltimore where the struggle is on tonight.. to find people for the pets... keith. keith. jennifer..... we're live outside the maryland spca....... it's a privaae, non-profit organization dedicated to humane care and adoption services for homeless animals...............and tonight, they say..pit bulls need the group's help. help. they are ogs with a bad
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reputation.. pit bulls... annmals recently branded by a marrland court ruling thht calls the pure bred dogs "inherently dangerous.." the ruling also makes not only dog ownees but prooerty owners now liable for pit bull related incidents......(mr. prake/spca) "it's causing people to choose between giving up their pets or giving up their homes.."'s a move that has shelters, including the maryland spca, handling more unwanted pets. david drake says, since the ruling, they've received several phone calls from concerned ppt owners.. and a number of returns.. pit bulls dropped off, left to find new homes.......animals, unjustly &plabeled, says drake, bbcause of a court ruling.(drake) "no, taaget any particular bbeed of dog. it has much more to do with how the dogs are cared for than any breed. it has much more to do with how the dogs are cared for than any breed. you know, 10 years ago, rottweilers ere german shepards."
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meanwhile, the shelters struggle to finddpeople to adopt the dogs.(ms. wiley) "the kids, my kids' friends bridget wiley and her two sons are at the spca.....after a two-day process, they're satisfied with the breed they've selected..boy) "they're really nice and smart....."(ms. wiley) "and the dog's really loving and playful....."........wiley wants a pit.. despite the reputation..despite the ruling. capable f any type of on certain ittatioos..."nding ..........and with that.. a new home.. and a boy his dog. for more information on for moree for more adopt a pit bull.. or any - other animal at the spca.. ......just go to fox- baltimore-com.. links. liveein north 45 news at ten. protests today.../ one year... after... the... "occupy movement"... started
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3 close to 200 protestors... were arrested ... in... new york city... today../ .. several hundred... converged ...on... wall street../.intending ... to... ddsrupt trading... at the... new york stock exchange,.../they were... unsuccessful. stubblefield says: "i myself, had never in all my 57 years seen anything like zuccotti paak and i personally had been waiting for 10 years for something. i haa no idea that the kids were gonna rise up like that and i am so proud of ' them.''protests... were scceduled... to... take 3 place... in... 30 cities mmnths... since... "occupy" protestors.../// occupied... mc--keldin... square -/ near... &pthe... inner parbor..../ that's... where... melinna roeder... is...streaming liie - / with... a... look back... on... baltimore's campsitt..../ and... thh... local protest....// melinda? melinda? last year... this grassy area
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was filled with tents and tarps... serving as makeshift tents... for dozens of protestors and homeless people residenne here.tonight - the camping equipment is long gone... but some protestors vow to return... while... &pcritics of the movement... take aim at their cause. cause. (from joy's package) "i'm kind of happy... very sudden."it was december 13-th 2011... that baltimore police finally took action. armed with riot gear... they kicced out some 30 protestors from mckeldin square - the majoriiy... homeless people who had sought refuge in the tents.but after three months of squatting... the city had enough.though some occupy members tried to fight their eviction."and if you want to defend property... tip it over."the eviction wws peaceful.... though there were accusations of crime - ranging to assaults to drug use at thee's one of many protest locations featured in an upcoming documentary called
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- occupy unmasked.... produced by a filmmaking team from washington ddc.11:57:48 "some of the best footage in the film actually omes from your reporting in baltimore and pt's scary."writer steve bannon says the film unccvers the destructive and violent side of "occupy" .... that may have ultimately caused the movement to fizzle.11:55:04 "look it's 'r' rated for vulgarity and violence. it;s a wwr film... they are in shock when they see this film." though experts in rhetoric say another problem lack of a cleaa message.vatz: 15:53:28 "what exactly were they protesting against? it's hard to say... whateeer they wanna read into the protest." in several cities - like baltimore - the mixed messages became more evident as the movement lingered.... anddthe week - protestors hope too remind everyone of their &pfight... in one form r
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another. since baltimore's occupiers didn't really set uppcamp until october 4-th... that's when some of the protestors prom heee say they plan to return. meantime - that controversiil documentary is due to be released in theaters next week. live from mckeldin square - melinda roeder - fox anti-american protests continue in more than 20 &pcountries around the world.... ...but there are quustions now abbut áwhyá they are protesting protestingin lebanon, thousands heedinn the call from a powerffl militant leader of hezbollah making a rare public appearance... ...firing up the crowd. in pakistan, hundreds targeted the u-s consulate in lahore. demonstrators trying to scale the metal gate.... some who made it to american fllg on fire.white house officials havv been claiming for days the rrge has been motivated by the anti-muslim film .......but some say it was a planned act
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of terror el-megarif says: "alllthis indicates clearly that the attackers are well ttained and well prepared and have planned this in advance." advance."that what happened inittally was that it was a spontaneous reaction to whatt had just transpired in cairo as a consequence of the video." áa spokesperson for the state department would not sayy that the attack in libya was an act of terror......and that the investigation continues. you reallyydidn't expect the ravens to go uudefeated, right? right? the philadelphia eaglee took care of that sunday, defeating theravens by a singge point sports director bruce cunningham joins us with that sy story the ravens had a 10 point lead in the third quarter, only to see it all slip away..and that loss squared their record at 1 and 1... if there's any solice to be hand, ravens fann, at least the eagles are a good
10:14 pm fact, theywent in as the favorites..but with a 10 point lead in the second half, channe to win, butmichael vick had other's history now...the patriots await this sunday night and john harbaugh is ready to turn the page... "when you win you look at everythinn really hard and you try to build on it. but when you lose, man, that sting; it really forces you to dig deep. even though we had opportunities to win the game, we didn't win the game and find ways to do a lot of things better and grow as a football team. in the long run, that's how you get to where you're going. that's how you build what you're ttying to buuld. so we're going to try and make that into a positive that way and come back swinging next week." the nfl is using replacement referees, and they're starting to looklike replacements...and speak'lllhear from to &pray lewis omingb up at 10:50 and 11:30 on ssorts unlimited. the extra thing some women do at the grocery store......that make them 9 pounds lighter than those who
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dont...later on fox45 news at ten more sticker shock... over the price of the pump,how much more we're paying for gas this week....and the two things that could push pricee down
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the... city school... ceo... is... taking steps... to... re-evaluate ... test scores ... in... wake of... allegations../ pheating scandle...// - kathleen... cairns... reports,.../ the... principal's union... says...// it's... a... waste of money.. 3 students at medfield heights elementary school have scored above 90-percent on ptandardized testssfor three years in a roo. while some
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schools scores havv gone up.... others have gone down prompting alleeations of a cheating scandal at some schools. (alonso)"the reason why we ended up going after several schools because we saw changes ww could not explain" so the city school's cco has hired a company called caveon to review test score results: (alonso) "weve haa these cases pending since 2010 and 2011 and not making any progress because the state doesnt have the capacity to look at the tests.. (cairns: do you think there are still cheaters? caveon is being paid 275 thousand dollars for their analysis. (cairns)"critics say the study is a waste of mooey and blame the school ceo for spending that monee for all he is going to buy a victory by spending close to 300 thousand dollars for a company to come in and give him a verdict he wants" this is ludicrous"the principals union jimmy gittings calls it: corruption at the highess level.(union)"thats all thiss is, is a blatann witchhunt to sooth the ceo's eo"
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(alonno-vsv)"its not going to go away when they are calling me names.. its only going to go away when we can say without a shadow of a doubt everyone is clean"(union)"this money could be used for buying teachers."(alonso-close)"its well worth the price" (union)"this is just completely idiotic" dr alonso says the evaluation could prove all the test scores are legitimate. but the monee being spent has put administrators and the unions at odds. on north balt kc fox 45 news at 10 the... caveon company ... wouldnnt... say... how long... thee.. investigation... will take.../// that brings us to our question of thh day.does the city school system need to hire an outside company to check forr cheating on standardized tests? 3 most of you who responded on our facebook page tonight say "no". investigators are trying to
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determine what ccused a deadly fire in northwest baltimore.... this is what's left of the home on woodland avenue. the fire broke out around 5 o'clock yesterday morniig.two pire fighters were hurt trying to battle it.they're expected to be okay... but the man who lived there... was found dead on theefirst floor.they believe he died of smoke inhalation and burns. three other people inside at the time... were able to escape. 406 i was there standing there to telllthe wife that they er - fouud the husband's body and she just, she lost it you know 16 158 later on i heard that the husband actually gotten everybody elseeout of the house and didn't make it himself 06 right now, investigators aren't sure if there were working smoke detectors in tte pome... this is the sixtt deedly fire in the city this jerry sandusky.../ the... former... assistant... football coach... at....penn ssate... state...convicted... on... 45 counts ... of... sexual abuse... involving 100boys../.will... be sentenced ... octobee 9th..../// he's... 68...//
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...the... sentence ...will... ámostá... likely... keep him ...ii jail ... for... the rest ...oo his life...//. there's... been may speak ... at... his sentencing./.. ...but... his attorney ... doesn't kkow...// frederick county... had... an earthquuke this weekend./.. but... probably... no one... notic. noticed...//.the... was centered... about... 3 miles... north-north east...// of... linga-nore, maryland.../ in ...frederick county ... around... six... sunday morning..../earthquakes... with... a magnitude ... 2... or less.../ are... áusuallyá... called... micro- earthquukes.../ and... usually... people... don't feel them. it looks like gas prices went up a nickel a gallon last weekk week.the national average price for a ggllon of regular gas is now three-dollars and it's a little lower at three-dollars 80-cents.but that's up 2 cents from last week.... and 11 cents fromm last month. this time last year, we wereepaying 3 dollars and 53-cents for a gallon of &pgas....the less-expensive winter blend of gas......and refineries coming back online
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start to push prices down fox45's pump patrol iss always looking for the lowest find the best price in your - neighborhood at fox baltimore dot com. beautful weather we'veehaa... had... thats ending now here's chief metptogoloigt vytas vytas 3 33
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the new panda... at the national zoo...the tradition zoo-keepers plan to follow... later on fox45 news at ten 20:06:12"fire deparments are being closed, they're still arguing over the schools" schools"the hiddenncosts... driving baltimooe's budget our cover story... after the break anncr: a good job. it's the key to a good life.
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but it isn't always easy to find one... a vote for question seven is a vote for maryland jobs. two thousand construction jobs to build a new resort casino. four thousand permanent jobs, paying... on average fifty five thousand a year. six thousand jobs from increased tourism...
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and table games like blackjack and poker. add it up: it's twelve thousand new maryland jobs. but to build it you have to vote for it. vote for question seven. and get maryland back to work. baltimore city is áfirstá in
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the region in maay taxes. but even as high tax rates climb highee, annual budget deficets and cut backs in services continue. it's a formula that has many residents frustrated. frustrated. so,... we... took a look... at the numbers... to....figure out... what's behind... the problem. .../ and... áwe á... found.../// there's... more to this... "cash crunnh".../ than... meets thh eye. eye. in baltimore citya&there's a troubling trend that frustrates people who live here.20:06:12"fire deparments are being closed, they're still arguing over the schools" taxes going up on everything frommcell phones to bottled
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beverages...while firehousesa&anddrecreation centees close. it's a worst of both worlds senario that llaves reisdents searching for answers20:07:00"on the one pand you're saying, increase the tax to ffset the cost, and then you say, we have cut phe services"but what's driving it? well, it's not just the fanny take home cars or pricey video phones that recently made headlinesa. but less high profile pay-outs ttat don't get much attenton. behind the scenes expenses that are costing taxpayers millions. 33:02"in the space of 5 fiscal yearr the costs to the city of its pension plan has doubled" take employye retirement benefits.we looked at the numbers...and fouid in the ast three years alone, the city has spent nearly three quarters of a bllion dollars to fund retiree health care and pensions.33:24"when the city's paying out 80 million dollars a year more than it used to it's penion funds, then recreation centers start closing, fire houses start closingspending that doesn't just fund modest retirements....but big salaries for life.35:19"you
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have universe of people who are pehrpas 50 years old who are drawing pension for 30 years, it's quite ruinious"we found nearly a dooee former city employees in the fire and pplice pension fund raking in one hundred thousand plus a yeara&.and nearly one hundred retirees taking in seventy fivv thousand a's a big bill forrtax payers....that' is actually about to get bigger.36:00"even the numbers that are used are ficticious numbers"thanks to an accounting change, the city's pension debt could double, meaning hundreds of millions of dollars in additional costs. a looming bill the mayor says she hopes to avert.21:47:40"it's very important for us to make sure liaboitoies, that why i pused so hard for for fire and police pension reform"but that's not the only behind the scenes spending adding to the city's fiscal woes.23:02:38
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"they onll go to two three"big tax breaks for o or are lso keeping tax rates hem high says councilman carl stokes. 23:03:57 "unfortunatley they decided to widen the tax break and add perkins homes to their census tarct"stokessppints to the millionn in tax breaks just approved for a new office builing onnthis prime parcel on the inner harbor real estate.. the soon to be maryland headquarters of ennrgy giant exilon.23:03:57 "unfortunatley they decided to widen the tax break and add &ptarct"but to qualify....the parcel was incluued in thee same census tract as this low income perkins homes housing project to makk it seem...poorer. +23:03::7"it's lauighable, you know., it's laughablee ne of my coolegaues says i think we= won the war on poverty in harbor easta perfect example, says stokes, of cossly tax breaks for developers who we tlkking about thousands, millions?a;;millions, it's awlays millions, it noo's
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hundreds or the... mayor... hopes to release... a ...ten year plan... soon/ soon.../// she's hoping that'll cause more reform to the city's employee pension plan. 3 3 tonite marks thee susquacentennial of the bloodiesttbattle in u--s hhstory... a battle that was fought right here in mm... paul gessler takes you to a new addition o the national zoo. why ttis baby panda is unique from all the rest.
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chicago school officials are teachers strike which entered its 2-nd week today. the district calls the strike illegal, saying its against state law to strike overrnon- economical performance evaluations. the union and the school board did reach an agreement over the weekend but decided to continue the walkout as it reviews tte deal.
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"we filed our papers with the court today seeking an injunction to bring the strike, the teachers strike to a conclusion to an end. pretty straightforward oor goal is to do everything we can possibly to ggt the children back in school. the union calls the filing a ávindictive actá instigated by chicago's mayor. about 350-thousand students remain out of class as the strike continues. the... u.s... spent... more than... 1 bulllon dollars... supplying... afghan troops... with fuel. fuel.making... the... defense department ... the winner.../// of... this week's... "golden hammer award".../our... weekly look... at... excessive goveenment waste.../ in... partnership with... the... washington guardiaa... online... news site.../. site.../. the... pentagon's record keeping... is... so sloppy.../ poesn't... know... where... the fuel went.../ or... whether ...any fell... into... the hands ...of in. insurgents.../. analysts... can't determine... how much money... is... needed... in the future, .../ because.... they... don't... where...
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it's... going... now...//. now...//. the... pentagon's... scheduled to spend... another... 555... million dollars a year.../ starting... in... 20--14...// and ... the áafghansá... will... then control... fuel purchases. pread more... about... our... weekly... 'golden hammer' award... at... baltimore dot com.../ click... on... the washington guardian the hot topics section... at... the top of the screen 150... years ago... tonight-// america... was reelinn... from the deadliest day... in... its history..../paul geesler... reports ...on the... bloody battle... of... anniedam... maryland.ight here in maryland. mike litterst, nntional park service: "there is no more powerful place in america than where we're standing riggt now."on a sunny, september day--zoe welsh, visitor: day."much like today---karen - gorham: (having a picnic) "kknda what thh conditions would be like then..."in 1862...mike litterst, national park service: "it's very easy to forget in this pastoral scene what occured here 150 yearssago."the bloodiest
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battle in american history played out in these fields. (grand old flag song)antietam national battlefield marked the day.mike litterst, national park service: "this is the turning ppint of the american civil war."though chorus and cannon fire.11.12 (cannon fire)kids fortunate enough to skip sshool--- jeff welsh, visitor: "this is where the battle started, lright?" for a real-life history lesson. jeff welsh, visitor: "this is really a special ddy bbcause it's the 150th annivesary." mike litterst, national park service: "the single-deaddiest day in american history, not only up to he time it occured, but in the 150 years since, we have not surpassed that number in any ar."paul gessser, here, more han 3,600 americans ere killed. that's more than d-day, more than septeeber 11th, and more than in tte 11 years and counting in afghanistan."zoe welsh, visitor: "that's a lot. they need to understand the magnitude of that and what that means."the battlefield sits 70 mills west of baltimore.karen gorham: "it's right here. you have to take advantage of it."19.53 ranger: "to walk the ground where men struggled, to remember theii great deeds..." a backyard history book... laid ouu for generations ahead to remember. ranger: "...and to honor those who gave the last full measure of devotion."in sharpsburg,zoe welsh, visitor: "you can't be involved sitting at home. you
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have to be ctive. yoo have to be doing it."paul gessler, service: "the civil war and the ountry would never be the same."fox45 news at ten. todayymarks the 225-th anniversary of a big moment in u-s history. history. on this date... the u-s constitution was ssgned back in 17-87. in honor f the pnniversary...the national archivvs held a naturalization ceremony for 225 people.the new citizens were sworn in... in front of the original ácharters of freedomá...... which include the declaration of independence, the u-s constitution and the bill of rights. there's a new addition at the national zoo in washingttn. washington. may zong../. the... zoo's... giant female panda .. gave birth to a cub... late... last night.../. zookeepers ... sttll... can't see the baby, .../ so,... they... ddn't know... if... it's a boy... or girl.../. they're... giving... mom... time to bond... with her cub, .../ but... keeping a close eye ...on the pair... using this... 24... hour ... "panda- cam"...//. giant
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pandas ... are endangered..../ zoo's... been trying ... for... 6---years... to produce a cub ... thru... artificial 3nsemmnation.../. kelly says: " it's very tiny cub, about a hundred grams. a powerful set of lungs, as you said, and that indicates to us that we probably have a healthy cub but until we get out hands on it in about a week or two , we're gonna keep our fingers crossed." the zoo's... keeping with chinese tradition... of... waiting... 100 days... before... naming the cub..../ then ... the people of washington ...will help decide. 3 3
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3 3 , this is jeopardy!coming up we
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go behind the scenes of one of the most popular game shows in one on one interviee with alex trebek.... and a special clue you don't want to miss. disney world... magical for parents too.../ say hello... to beauty and the beer.../ the... new addition... added to the... magicckingdom a... deadly...
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"superbug"... has... killed... a... 7--th person... at... maryland's... national institutes... of... health clinical... center...//.the... latest victim...? aa.. young boy... arrived... in bethesda... last april...//. doctors... say... he... was here... for... a... bone marrow... transplant.../ when... he contracted... the bug.....//the... outbreak... reportedly stemmed... from... a... patient... who... arrived... at the hhspital... last summer....//a... total... of... 19 people... have been sickened. shoppers who takk the time to change in their waistline. that's according to a team of scientists who analyzed more than 25-thousand observations on health, eating and shopping habits. the study found a big difference etween people who read food labels and those who
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did not. women who read the nearly 99pounds lighter than those who don't. many women have a hard time getting back to normal life, after einn treated for breast caacer.buu some are finding that yoga can help in the healing. one study says 90-percent of cancer patients say they can't get a good night's sleep. but pany breast cancer survvvors say yoga gives them a time to relax, breathe and builddnew friendshhps.some placesseven offer free yoga classes to breast cancer patients. "as patients are diagnosed with breast cancer and under go treatment there is a lot of as physical demands on the therapy so yoga has been a way to combat some of these physiological streessrs and side affects frrm treatments." treatments." experts say yoga also benefits anyone who has gone thhough a disney's "magic kindgom"... is about to get more magical for
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adults.for the firrt time on the menu at "be our ill be guest"... a new french restaurant in the magic kingdom.alcohol is served at some other disney parks... including epcot center. the restaurant opens november 19th. 3 tte nfl is under scrutiny ffr its replacement ray lewis views the referee lockout... next in sports uulimited... this is jeopardy! coming up we go behind the scenes of one of the mmst popuuar game shows in america. my one on one interview with alex trebek.... and a special clue you don't want to miss. final 3 games onnthe west
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coast of the season...the birds in seaatle just one game behind the idle yankees...they got off the a fast start tonigh. tonight...1st batter of the game...nate mclouth ripssit to right...gets over the fence... leadoff home run...his 4th... orioles lead 1-0...ttey score 3 in the first and lead it 3-0 right now in the 2nd... after going thru the pre-season and the first weekk of the regular season with miiimal problees,it all exploded yeeterday in the nfl...the replacement referees are becoming a very big problem, problem,, at least five games...the ravens-eagles one included werr affected by dubious calls s thh hottestg topic right now in the
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ssorting world..the nfl locked out the regular referees in the issue is the refs demand forpension want to giie pensions to part- time employees..and ttat's where it stands, deaddocked. meantime, the players are the superstars... 3""hereeare calls that the regular refs, if they were herr, we knew the way calls would be made. for the conversation to be had the way they have been on the sideline saying, 'oh, if the real refs were here that call would've been made.' that shouldd't pappen. that shouldn't be the case but it is around the with it. these are things that are happening when you're looking at the films and you're looking at the game that pass interference? how can you not call that? it's just different thingg and it's nothing about them er say. we're not directly attacking them but we are saying we need the guys that do their regular longer are we going to keep ch going through this whole process." this year's ring of honor recipient jamal lewis
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talks about why baltimore will always feel like home...comiig up on the late edition... we are very proud here at foo45 to be the new homm of jeopardy and wheel of fortune. fortune.the newwseason premiered tonight..nd i recently ad the fun of assignmenttof traveling o l-a to go behind the scenes of america's most popular game shows.ttnight you can come with me... on the set of jeopar. jeopardd. 3 ttis, is stage 10 at sony pictures studios.....where the answers..... always come before the questions.(nat of question)(standup)clip #47 (there areetwo to choose from--which one is better?)so this is jeopardy, and this is its high tech highly polished set. it's changed a few times over he years.but since 1984, &pthe yndicated debut.... that gameboard has displayed more than 400 thousand clues.and counting.... as jeopardy kicks off its 29th season.(sot alex) clip #431:06:44 it's a new
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we're very excited and we're looking forward to it.before shows are taped here....5 shows a day.....about three months in advancc. the contestants arrive first thing in the orning....and get a run through with the stage manager.áá(nats stage manager)clip #7:30during the coomercial break we will provide you with cold water, if you want anything stronger bring it yourself. we will provide you with cold water during the commercial breaks. (laughs)learning the logistics....(nats of stagg manager)clip #5:29and when johnny says and now here ii the host of jeopardy.... make sure you're applauding for alex.and how to buzz in..... (sot justin/before)clip #388:33 not to buzz in too soon, and not to buzz in too late.(nats stage manager)clip #7:14don't click it once and expect something to happen, because iffyou're early, you're going to get locked out. click it pill get tons of rehearsal out
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here.wwere ontestants can loosen up.....(nat)clip #201:02 joe, what are you going to do with the money? my wife and have always wanted to have a chinchilla rescue operation. before the competition heats up.(sot justin/before)clip #38 1:17a little bit ggtting used kind of have to be on your ou feet tt get used to where hey will be in the boxes. contestant justin kowal.... made the trip from glen burnie, maryland. (justin/before)clip #38:23i've been watching jeopardy since i was 5 or 6 yyars old. so just to be here on thhs stage. this is something i'll nevvr forget draw, no matter takes six researchers and 8 writers.... to fill the game board. á(nats stage manager) clip #6:37if you know what the response is, deliver it quickly. if youudon't know wwat thh response is, you'll sit there on the camera and go uhhh.... uhhh and the camera will zoom in on you and you'll go why did i ring in.... plaughs)even alex.... learns something new evvry day.(alex) clip #431:07:49i do but my short ttrm memory is shot, so i forget it all.alex trebek has been hosting jeooardy.... since 984.(sot alex)clip #43 1:06:34i don't say,,oh, you've got 28 years behind you. although here are some days when i'm dragging and i feel as if it were 28 years.after a suffering a heart attack earlier this year, treeee says he's noo feeling fine.(sot jennifer)1:07:12clip #43iss this still fun for you?(alex) absolutely. i love it. i get to spend a half hour in the company of three very brightt people. sometimes they're very witty. (sot alex)clip #43
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1:07:38at the end of it, i watch ordinary people do very well and win a lot of money. this is the best kind of reality televisioo. (and i love it.)our cameras had to stop rolling before the real games began.....but not before alex had one last answer.(sot alex)ccip #431:04:40this fox45 anchor is a lifetime beetles fan, had legendary hair, and is known for spending his dinner break shouting questions t the television &pset.(standup)clip #46::0(cut with tight shot of me clicking the clicker)i got it alex. who is jeff barnd?if only i'd made it a true daily double. 3 3 3 tomorrow night, , we'll speed more time with
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llcal ontestant justin kowal. kowal.and don't forget you can watch jeopardy at 7 and wheel of fortune at 7:30, right heee on fox45. ...anddwe now know the full slate of american idol judges... judges...nicki minaj... keith urban... and mariah carey will judges table.steven tyler and jennifer lopez both left he show.american idol begins again in january "in order to say make it turn left we sttmulate its right ant" antenna." the next time you see a cockroach, you might want to think twice before stepping on it. why these new árobo roachesá may be a part of your next search and rescue team. ...and coming up in just 5
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minutes on the late eddtion... edition... onward and upwwrd.why these people were ii such a bigghurry tooget to the ttp. 3 and a bad day for a t-v reporter.his unfortunate encountee with a baby. your chance to win free
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tickets.. to the "so you think you can dance tour."plus-- how you can


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